Metajive Clean Homepage

Metajive is a digital design firm that specializes in creating sites that span the scope of what technology and creativity make possible. Meaning, they don't pretend to specialize in one style, industry, or experience. Instead, they focus on creating entirely original UI for each client and pushing the boundaries of what was previously believed to be possible.

By featuring several large and wholly individual images existing in unison, Metajive’s home page reflects the value of variety through innovation. As users scroll down the page, they'll see a slew of stunning, yet dissociated, images that have been formatted to further reflect the company’s system of values. The images are colorful, big, and modern. Such a design expertly evokes a sense that Metajive is a company using cutting-edge design schemes and technology to create discernibly unique experiences every time they undertake a project.

Metajive Clean About Page

Metajive’s “About” page directly speaks to the same evocations as their home page. The images are responsive and informative, and they feature various designers at work, depicting their collaborative and creative workplace. Additionally, users can click these images and learn more about the respective values they represent. When clicked, the image on the left send users to a page that details the workflow and collaborative nature of Metajive’s process, acting as a gateway to learn about their creative process.

Metajive Clean Website Design

The final part of Metajive’s “About” section introduces a responsive, animatic mechanic that makes the UX more complete and engaging. The page is organized in a series of experiences that present relevant information and data in a variety of ways. A specific heading reads, “By The Numbers,” and it focuses on presenting numerical data that indicates the company’s accomplishments. What’s more, the different elements in the frame move and bend as users scroll their mouse. This dynamic experience creates a two-fold level of interest, a UX that encompasses a variety of informational augmentations and animations. It makes the typically heavy and tedious “About” page more categorical and experiential.

Metajive is a best website design in the Professional Services and Technology industries.