Intro to Icons Great Homepage

Intro to Icons is an online course that makes a simple, bold promise. That promise is spelled out in simple, bold text that promises you can learn the fundamentals of icon design in 1 hour. There is no menu to search through for information; everything is on one page.

Intro to Icons Great Website Design

Watching the video trailer immediately opens the video on the home page. Again, this design is very intuitive and efficient. There’s no need to go to different pages and click on a variety of links. If a site is promising to teach you icon design then they should, at the very least, have a nice site design of their own.

Intro to Icons Clean Website Design

Other than on the homepage, the website utilizes a clean design with black or white backgrounds. Each chunk of the single-page site is clearly defined by a change in background color.

Throughout the website there are simple images and icons used to help show what is offered in the course without going into too much detail. After all, the barrier to entry is very low since the course is free for those who sign up to the email program.

The designers don’t have to do a hard sell to convince people to spend money. Instead, they provide some exciting information in short, easy-to-digest pieces with colorful images to grab your eye.

Intro to Icons Great Testimonials Section

There is also a very nice testimonial section that uses Tweets from happy customers. This design is very smart for a couple of different reasons. First, everyone knows the Twitter logo and what a Tweet looks like.

Immediately there is brand recognition and trust. Secondly, using social media comments makes these testimonials feel more “real.” Online, anyone can write a testimonial. By using Tweets from satisfied customers, the designer has made the entire section feel more legitimate.

The Intro to Icons website is a fantastic example of how to use a clean, single-page site to promote a course. The designer has made it easy for users to sign up for the course and been careful not to provide too many distractions that could delay visitors from signing up. This is smart design combined with beauty.

Intro to Icons is a great website design in the Professional Services and Technology industries.